Staff Picks: Behind the Scenes of New Bill Nye Doc

In which we meet The Science Guy, with filmmakers David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg.

Bill Nye was The Science Guy for a whole generation of kids: a bow tie-wearing, real life super-hero, the dude who made us want to grow up to be scientists, engineers, and endlessly curious humans. 

For documentary filmmakers David Alvarado and Jason Sussberg (The Immortalists), Nye kickstarted a lifelong love of science. As Nye travels around the world to advocate for science, the Alvarado and Sussberg reveal the man behind the bow tie, and the impact of education on culture and social justice. 

To make the film, Alvarado and Sussberg have started a Kickstarter campaign to raise $650,000. Download the Bundle for an exclusive first look at the project, including two exclusive scenes. You can support the film on Kickstarter here.
